Committee structure
General Assembly of the Council
- Annual Council
- Appointments Panel
- Audit Board
- Cabinet Advisory Panel A
- Cabinet Advisory Panel B
- Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee
- Dartford Gravesham and Swanley Health and Wellbeing Board
- Dartford Locality Board
- Deed, Trust and Obligations Committee
- Development Control Board
- Discretionary Housing Payments Panel
- Electoral Provisions Sub-Committee
- Eltham Crematorium Joint Committee
- General Assembly of the Council (Budget)
- Grants Approval Panel
- Hearing Panel
- Independent Remuneration Panel
- Joint Transportation Board
- Licensing Committee
- Licensing Sub-Committee
- Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- Policy Overview Committee
- Remuneration & Performance Management Panel
- Statutory Officer Advisory Panel
- Strategic Housing Board
- Treasury Management Panel